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Home / News / What is Thermostatic Household Energy Storage Lithium Battery System?

What is Thermostatic Household Energy Storage Lithium Battery System?


The thermostatic household energy storage lithium battery system is an advanced energy storage solution that can provide stable and reliable power supply in the home environment. This kind of system has the characteristics of high efficiency, safety and environmental protection, and is increasingly used in homes. The design of energy storage system is composed of energy storage battery pack, battery management system(BMS), power conversion system(PCS), energy storage battery system(EMS), thermal management system, safety fire protection system, monitoring system, data monitoring system, connectors and wiring.


The working principle

The working principle of the thermostatic household energy storage lithium battery system is based on the migration, intercalation and deintercalation process of bond ions between positive and negative electrode materials. The system mainly consists of positive electrode, negative electrode, electrolyte and separator. During the charge and discharge process, lithium ions carry charges in the electrolyte and complete the conversion of electrical energy through migration between electrode materials.


Specifically, when charging, an external power source applies a voltage to the battery, the positive electrode material is a negative voltage, and the negative electrode material is a positive voltage, causing lithium ions to migrate from the positive electrode to the negative electrode and be embedded in the negative electrode. During discharge, even when the electrical appliance is working, lithium ions are deintercalated from the negative electrode and migrate to the positive electrode. At the same time, electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode through the external circuit, thereby realizing power supply to the external circuit.


The functions

1. Store electrical energy: This system can store excess electrical energy in the home and use it when needed. For example, during peak power supply and demand periods, when the power supply is insufficient, the energy storage lithium battery system can be used to meet the household's electrical energy needs.


2 Regulating power: The energy storage lithium battery system can also output power to the power grid during peak power consumption periods to alleviate the power supply pressure on the power grid.


3. Adjust power peaks: When there is excess power supply, the energy storage lithium battery system can store this part of the power and release it when there is insufficient power supply, thereby balancing the load of the power grid.


4. Improve power supply reliability: Since the energy storage lithium battery system can store and release electrical energy, it can improve the reliability of home power supply to a certain extent.


5. Energy saving and environmental protection: The use of energy storage lithium battery systems can reduce dependence on traditional energy, reduce carbon emissions, and is environmentally friendly.


6. Increase battery life: The thermostatic system has an automatic temperature adjustment system. It can extend battery life to more than 10 years and more than 6,000 cycles.


Regarding thermostatic system, which I have to mention is DCBess Thermostatic Household Energy Storage Lithium Battery SystemIt is equipped with dual functions of heating at low temperature and cooling at high temperature, the working environment of the battery is expanded to -20 ℃ to 60 ℃. No matter in the cold winter or hot summer, it can work smoothly. The DC-T/THERMOSTATIC series household lithium batteries adopt a fully automatic thermal management system, CTP no-module technology, high-efficiency heat pump heating technology,and aluminum alloy body design, which will expand the working temperature range of the battery, increase the consistency between battery cells, and achieve a more flexible appearance design. This will achieve a new generation of household energy storage lithium batteries with safer, more exquisite, and longer service life.


If you want to learn more information, please click: https://www.dcbess.com