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Home / News / How to choose battery energy storage system?

How to choose battery energy storage system?


With the widespread application of renewable energy, the rapid development of the energy Internet, and the popularization of distributed energy systems, the demand for energy storage batteries will continue to increase. At the same time, energy storage battery technology is also constantly improving, and the research and development and application of new energy storage batteries will also promote the rapid development of the energy storage battery industry.


Many people have questions about how to choose energy storage batteries. Today we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of various types of energy storage batteries, including lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, sodium-sulfur batteries and liquid batteries.


1. Lead-acid battery:

It is a battery whose electrodes are mainly made of lead and its oxides, and the electrolyte is sulfuric acid solution. It is currently widely used in the world, with a cycle life of up to about 300 times, an efficiency of 80%-90%, and high cost performance. It is often used as emergency power supply or backup power supply in power systems.


Disadvantages: If the battery is discharged deeply and rapidly with high power, the available capacity will decrease. It is characterized by low energy density and short life.


2. Lithium-ion battery:

It is a type of battery that uses lithium metal or lithium alloy as the negative electrode material and uses a non-aqueous electrolyte solution. Mainly used in home battery energy storage, its efficiency can reach more than 95%, the discharge time can reach several hours, the number of cycles can reach 5,000 times or more, and it responds quickly. It is the practical battery with the highest energy among batteries. Currently the most used. In recent years, technology has been continuously upgraded, and positive and negative electrode materials have a variety of applications. The mainstream power lithium batteries on the market are divided into three categories: lithium cobalt oxide batteries, lithium manganate batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries.


Currently, many people in Europe and Africa choose DCBESS lithium iron phosphate batteries as backup power sources. Because DCBESS lithium batteries are affordable and have a cycle life of more than 6,000 times. The most important thing is that the DCBESS lithium iron phosphate battery contains a BMS system, which can monitor the charge and discharge of the battery in real time and protect the battery from charging.


3. Sodium-sulfur battery:

It is a secondary battery with metallic sodium as the negative electrode, sulfur as the positive electrode, and a ceramic tube as the electrolyte separator. The cycle cycle can reach 4500 times, the discharge time is 6-7 hours, the cycle efficiency is 75%, the energy density is high, and the response time is fast. Currently, more than 200 such energy storage power stations have been built in Japan, Germany, France, the United States and other places, mainly used for load leveling, peak shifting and improving power quality.


Disadvantages: Because it uses liquid sodium, it runs at high temperatures and is easy to burn. If the power grid is out of power, a diesel generator will be needed to help maintain high temperatures or help meet the battery cooling conditions.


4. Liquid battery:

It is a high-performance battery that utilizes separate positive and negative electrolytes, each circulating separately. The power and energy of a battery are independent, and the amount of energy stored depends on the size of the storage tank, so energy can be stored for hours to days, with capacities up to MW levels. The battery is available in several systems, such as iron-chromium system, zinc-bromine system, sodium polysulfide bromine system and all-vanadium system.


Disadvantages: The battery is too large, the environmental temperature requirements of the battery are too high, the price is expensive, and the battery system is complicated.


Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the above batteries, lithium-ion battery is the more cost-effective of all batteries. When choosing lithium batteries, we should pay attention to choosing the right brand. When it comes to lithium batteries, what we have to mention is DCBESS lithium battery. It is a new lithium-ion battery that uses iron phosphate material as the positive electrode and high-capacity graphite as the negative electrode. It has high energy storage density, low self-discharge rate, long cycle life, and excellent charge and discharge performance. Compared with traditional lead-acid batteries and other batteries, DCBESS lithium batteries have obvious advantages in terms of weight, volume and safety. For example, DCBESS home battery energy storage system. This battery system can be charged in a very short time and can provide longer battery life in actual use. It has undergone strict safety testing and can remain stable under extreme conditions such as overcharge, over-discharge, and high temperature, effectively avoiding safety accidents such as battery combustion and explosion. If you are interested in lithium battery, please click on the link to learn more: https://www.dcbess.com